Yellowbird (Green) is a scrawny little orphan chick who finds himself leading a group of bluebirds to Africa in this cute French/Belgian animated adventure aimed at littler viewers.
After the birds’ leader, Darius (Glover) is attacked by cats, his dying wish to Yellowbird is for him to relay a new, safe flying route south to Karl, the bird he wants to take over the flock. However, while Yellowbird memorises the route, he doesn’t pass on the message about Karl leading them and takes on that role himself, leading the poor birds into danger almost immediately.
It’s predictable stuff but colourfully animated and nicely performed by the US vocal cast that also includes Christine Baranski and Richard Kind. The story zips along nicely, and while there’s not a lot of sharp humour, there’s lots of sweet stuff for little ones to enjoy and very little to scare or upset them.
Is Yellowbird suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
Very young viewers may be upset by the cats and the attack on Darius and his subsequent death.
If you like this, why not try: Curious George, Rio, Rio 2, Finding Nemo, Chicken Little,