Surly teenage girl Alex (Chuh) is sent by her adoptive mother to work as an intern at a horse ranch in the countryside in this German subtitled coming-of-age story. Initially hating the hard work and isolation, she gradually opens up to Nina, her horse trainer boss, but their relationship is complicated when upper class girl Kathy arrives on holiday and Alex falls in love.
Aimed at adults and teenagers – it is definitely not a movie for younger children – this is as much an ode to the German countryside as it is a coming of age tale and first lesbian romance. Slow and subtle, it’s not for everyone, but thanks to three nuanced performances from the leads and some lovely cinematography (plus the gorgeous horses, of course), it’s definitely worth a look.
Is Of Girls And Horses suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
Please note this is a 15 certificate movie and not suitable for viewers under the age of 15.
This is a coming of age story and does include a sex scene so is not suitable for younger viewers.
There is a scene in which we see Alex cut herself. There are also mentions of drug use.
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