A Mexican animated adventure, Monster Island tells the tale of young kid named Lucas (Vasquez) who just wants to fit in and be like every other boy. Living with his dad, Lucas thinks he’s pretty normal – until the day he doesn’t take his daily medication and discovers it has been the tonic that prevents him turning into a monster. Realising his dad has been keeping their true selves a secret, Lucas decides to travel to his real home, Monster Island, to learn about his past.
While the animation here is rather dull, the story zips along at a good pace and is peppered with a few humorous moments. The metaphor of puberty and Lucas’s rather unusual transformation is used rather heavy-handedly and never properly explored, but there are a few enjoyable bits (Lucas’s first accidental transformation, for example) in this short, if somewhat forgettable monster movie.
Is Monster Island suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
There are a few mild spooky moments as Lucas travels to the island, including skulls with wings flying about, odd creatures, and a bad guy later in the film.
Also, the second half of the movie features lots of monsters, but none are very scary. There is a final battle that may upset or scare younger children (under 8s)
There should be nothing that would frighten children over the age of 8.
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