In 2015, Aardman Animation delivered a movie length version of their hit TV series Shaun The Sheep that was so adorable it deservedly became Movies4Kids’ movie of the year.
Four years later and Shaun gets a sequel that’s almost as cute and just as funny – and it’s got a cuddly alien in it too.
That alien is Lula, who crash lands her ship near Shaun’s home at Mossy Bottom Farm. Once he and his fellow sheep discover her – and discover she has impressive extra terrestrial powers – Shaun realises his new friend is far from home and decides to get Lula back to her ship, unaware some shady government types are looking for her too.
Imagine a fluffier ET with no dialogue and some great sight gags – including a genius one involving recycling bins and a 2001: A Space Odyssey reference for the grown ups in the audience – and that’s Farmageddon in a nutshell.
But it’s much more besides that – Lula will steal kids’ hearts, the opportunistic but bumbling Farmer and dog Bitzer provide the giggles, and, as you’d expect from Aardman, the animation is lovely.
It’s aimed at little kids, of course, and they’ll love it, but as with the first movie, there’s much to enjoy if you’re a big kid at heart, too.
Is Farmageddon: A Shaun The Sheep Movie suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
The movie opens with a man running in the woods in the dark but only very sensitive tots will be frightened.
Only very small children will find the alien hunters scary.
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