The fourth animated movie since 2000’s The Tigger Movie to be based on AA Milne’s cuddly bear and his pals, this one gives honey-loving Pooh centre-stage as he goes on a new adventure that involves his favourite snack, his best friend Christopher Robin, and the search for a new tail for Eeyore.
It’s adorable fare for little kids (and cute for grown-ups, too), as classic tunes ‘The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers’ and ‘Winnie The Pooh’ get a look in and the characters even interact with their own book (Pooh using letters from a page of it to make a ladder, for example). Every beloved character – Tigger, Eeyore, Piglet, Owl, Rabbit, Roo and Kanga – is featured, and fans of Hundred Acre Wood should enjoy this latest visit. A must if you have young children.
Is Winnie The Pooh suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
Very small children (under 4) may be scared by the scene in which Owl describes the scary ‘Backson’ creature.
If you like this, why not try: The Tigger Movie, Pooh's Heffalump Movie, Piglet's Big Movie, Stuart Little, Curious George,