Set in the world of Disney Pixar’s Cars – but made by DisneyToon Studio who usually deliver made-for-DVD sequels – Planes is the story of a crop-dusting plane named Dusty (Cook) who dreams of entering a round the world flying race. With the help of his friends and a good dollop of bravery (he’s afraid of heights, believe it or not), the underdog achieves his dream… and, er, that’s about it.
Realising the convoluted plot of Cars 2 was a turn-off for younger kids, this is far simpler stuff that is almost an aerial reworking of the original Cars (but with a far less grating and selfish central character) – check out the grizzled old timer with a secret (Doc Hudson in Cars, Skipper voiced by Keach here), the mean competitor and the comic relief pal.
It may not be that fresh or original for grown-ups (and John Cleese as a British plane is wasted), but it’s cute fare for kids, with nice animation, a few laughs and a sweet story that will no doubt be reworked again (‘Trains’, ‘Boats’ ‘Bikes’ anyone?) and again.
Is Planes suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
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