Following on from Twilight, Percy Jackson and Beautiful Creatures is this latest supernatural fantasy aimed at tweens and teens. Based on the first of Cassandra Clare’s young adult series of novels, it’s the story of Brooklyn teenager Clary (Collins), who starts seeing a blond young man… whom no one else seems to be able to see. She discovers his name is Jace (Bower) and he’s a Shadowhunter, a part angel, part human who hunts down the demons who live in our world without us knowing it.
So far, so interesting. While this has all been done before (and better) in Harry Potter and TV’s Buffy The Vampire Slayer, there are enough slick special effects, pretty young warriors and shadowhunter/bad beastie fights to keep viewers entertained even if the plot is confusing (just what are the various baddies – vampires, werewolves, demons – fighting about anyway?).
There are some duff moments, too, that adults especially will snigger at, such as a ‘romantic’ scene that looks like a 1980s rock video, and a big reveal nicked straight out of The Empire Strikes Back, but young teens will probably be too distracted by Bower’s chiselled cheekbones and Collins’ distracting eyebrows to notice.
Is The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
This is a 12A certificate, so should be fine for children over the age of 12 who are not easily frightened. There are some dog-like demons that are quite nasty-looking.
If you like this, why not try: Twilight, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Beautiful Creatures, The Craft, Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone,