
Billy Elliot review

Check out our review of Billy Elliot - an enjoyable family movie with some impressive dance scenes

Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot

Certificate: 15

Starring: Jamie Bell, Julie Walters

Release date: 2000

4 out of 5


Billy Elliot is a family feel-good movie that has had lashings of praise heaped upon it since its release in 2000. And it does deserve most of it (though whoever said it was the best British film ever should probably get out and see a few more movies), thanks to not-too-sugary direction from Stephen Daldry and an engaging central performance from Bell.

He, of course, plays Billy, a young lad growing up in a mining community during the miners’ strikes of the 1980s. He’s destined for a life down the pit but dreams of being a ballet dancer after switching from boxing lessons to ballet (as taught by Julie Walters’s Mrs Wilkinson) – a dream he naturally keeps secret from his friends and his traditional dad (Gary Lewis). From thereon in you can guess the rest, but despite being predictable in places it’s an entertaining film with some impressive dance scenes.

Is Billy Elliot suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...

Parents should note that this film was given a ‘15’ certificate mainly because of some ripe language.

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