A fantasy romantic comedy for young girls, this is the breezy tale of two best friends, Claire (Roberts, niece of Julia) and Hailey (Levesque), who are spending one last summer together before Claire moves to Australia. They're doing the predictable things 13-year-olds do (shopping and drooling over local hunk Raymond) until mermaid Aquamarine (Paxton) magically pops up in the local swimming pool.
Fleeing an arranged marriage to an unappealing merman, she's got three days to prove to her father that true love exists by having a boy fall in love with her, and she needs Claire and Hailey's help. It's a sweet tweenie Splash – though anyone over the age of 14 (or male) will gag on the sugary niceness of it all.
Is Aquamarine suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
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