Before the acclaimed Spirited Away, Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki made this animated fantasy that is available in both a subtitled and dubbed version (with the voices of Minnie Driver, Claire Danes, Gillian Anderson and Billy Bob Thornton).
Set in medieval Japan, it’s the story of a young warrior, Ashitaka, who searches for a cure for the gods’ evil wrath while being caught in a conflict that is destroying nature around him.
A beautiful example of mainly hand-drawn Japanese anime (much done by Hayao Miyazaki himself), this is often complicated stuff that won’t appeal to younger viewers but should intrigue teens (and grown-ups) and is a must-see for fans of original, clever animation.
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As stated, this is for older children as there are quite a few bloody battle scenes.
If you like this, why not try: Mulan, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo, Mirrormask,