A beautiful stop-motion animated tale about friendship, trust and love, the small (it’s only 66 mins long) but perfectly formed My Life As A Courgette has already deservedly won audience awards at festivals around the world, as well as an Academy Award nomination.
It’s the story of 10-year-old Courgette, a little boy left alone following his mother’s sudden death, who is taken by police officer Raymond to a foster home filled with kids his own age who have their own sad stories – Camille witnessed her parents’ murder/suicide, Ahmed’s father was arrested for robbery.
While none of these children have parents around, this is nonetheless a tale about family – the family we make for ourselves. Courgette finds hope with the new friends he has made, and although there are often melancholy moments in this poignant, sweet movie, there are lovely, warm ones too. Well worth seeking out.
Note – this Swiss/French film is available in both subtitled and dubbed English language versions.
Is My Life As A Courgette suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
This movie is not suitable for very young children as there are upsetting themes.
This movie features some adult themes, including the death of Courgette’s mother, that would upset and not be suitable for the under-8s.
There are also some oblique sexual references, and mentions of drugs, murder and suicide.
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