Based on a story from renowned graphic novelist Neil Gaiman, Coraline is a wondrous animated movie… but not one for younger children. Keep them away and enjoy this twisted story for yourself – the tale of young Coraline (voiced by Fanning), who moves with her parents to an old Victorian house and discovers a secret door leading to another world. It’s a magical place filled with quirky characters, including ‘Other Parents’ – nicer versions of her own parents who lavish her with affection. The only problem is that everyone in this world has black buttons where their eyes should be, and if Coraline wants to stay, her own eyes will be replaced, too…
A fairy tale that’s in fact a twisted Stepford Wives-style nightmare in disguise, this is a stunning movie to watch, beautifully realised by The Nightmare Before Christmas‘s director Henry Selick. The characters are all fascinating and nicely voiced, from self-centred Coraline and her distracted parents (Hatcher and John Hodgman, also voicing the ‘Other’ versions of them) to quirky neighbours that include a Russian gymnast (Ian McShane) and two aging actresses (French and Saunders). It’s dark but delightful, a creepy treat.
Is Coraline suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
As stated in the review above, this really isn’t for younger children. Kids under the age of 8 will find the movie upsetting, and far too dark. As a guide, if you think your child would be scared by one of the creepier 21st century episodes of Doctor Who, they’re not ready for Coraline just yet.
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