A completely bonkers kids’ TV series, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers ran for three years (1993-1996) and told the story of a group of strapping teenagers who have been chosen to wear brightly coloured lycra bodysuits and co-ordinating motorcycle helmets to fight evil. Based on a Japanese show, it was made all the more laughable as, while the talking scenes were American, they were mixed with old action footage shot for the original Japanese series. Kids loved it though (parents weren’t so keen, because of the violence), so it came as no surprise when a video game spin-off was followed by a feature film.
Paul Freeman (best known to kids for his role as Belloq in Raiders of the Lost Ark) was drafted in to play bad guy Ivan Ooze and does so with wit (‘Oh, the things that I have missed: the Black Plague, the Spanish Inquisition, the Brady Bunch reunion…’). He’s interested in a bit of world domination, especially if it means stripping the Power Rangers of their powers. Slicker than the TV series – all the action here was filmed especially for the movie – this has some flashy special effects and long fight scenes but very little else to recommend it. ‘It’s Morphin time…’ (or not, perhaps).
Is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
Some of the fight scenes are quite intense.
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