Ice Age is a cute animated buddy movie from Chris Wedge, who also directed Robots. The Ice Age is coming and animals are busy scurrying around in preparation for what will be a very wintry time indeed. A little human baby has been separated from his dad in the rush, and it’s up to woolly mammoth Manny (Romano), a sloth named Sid (Leguizamo) and a sabre-toothed tiger named Diego (Leary) to put aside their differences and band together to take the adorable little baby to safety.
From the opening credits, this is a hoot (as squirrel Scrat tries – unsuccessfully and rather disastrously – to bury his prize acorn), with zippy dialogue, great vocal performances and quirky-looking characters. There’s danger, too, as tigers follow the ragtag group’s every move, hoping to grab and kill the child and eat the animals, plus a bit of sentimentality towards the end, and it all adds up to loads of fun – a sort of road movie for all ages with added frosty goodness.
Is Ice Age suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
There are some tense moments – the rhinos chasing Sid, the run across the melting ice amongst volcanic eruptions, etc – but nothing truly scary.
If you like this, why not try: Ice Age: The Meltdown, Ice Age: Dawn Of The Dinosaurs, The Land Before Time, Madagascar, The Wild,