A sequel to the 2012 Russian animated movie The Snow Queen, this picks up the story of troll Orm, and Gerda, the little girl he befriended when he was working for the evil Queen. Poor Orm is now working in the mines, but he dreams of marrying Princess Maribel, and fibs about his hand in the adventures of the first movie (the defeat of the Snow Queen) to impress her. Unfortunately, Maribel is taken captive by the North Wind, so the King expects supposed hero Orm to save the day.
Featuring a narrated flashback to remind kids what happened in the first movie (or, more likely, fill them in if they never saw it), this is a nicely made computer animated adventure with new bad guy the Snow King. Unfortunately, with Pixar and Disney raising the animation bar so high with movies like Frozen and Monsters Inc, it may not be as flashy, well-scripted and beautiful to look at as kids have come to expect. For a Christmassy slice of entertainment, however, it’s sweet enough.
Is The Snow Queen 2: Magic Of The Ice Mirror suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
Little ones may find some of the Snow King scenes quite scary.
If you like this, why not try: Frozen, Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Shrek, The Swan Princess,