A sugary-sweet tale, based on the TV series of the same name. Reprising her TV persona, Duff stars as Lizzie, an awkward young teen, who is heading off on a school vacation to Italy with her pals, including best (boy) friend Gordo (Lamberg). He, of course, harbours secret feelings for her, but Lizzie is far more interested in the handsome young Italian pop star she bumps into in Rome, Paolo (Gellman). Lizzie’s adventures truly begin when Paolo points out that she is a dead ringer for his singing partner Isabella, and anyone who has ever seen a movie before in their lives can guess what happens next. (Yes, our Lizzie gets to sing, thus launching Duff’s own music career.)
Duff is great at the comic and romantic stuff (although far too attractive to be the awkward girl she plays), and if you’re looking for an ode to fluffy pop, teen fashion, girlish giggles and innocent romance this certainly fits the bill.
Is The Lizzie McGuire Movie suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
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