Eleven-year-old Henry (Coleman) finds a broken robot (voiced by Head) and fixes it, but gets more than he bargained for, as it’s actually a multi-million dollar prototype named Robosapien and there are sinister baddies who want to get it back and use it for military purposes.
Aimed at younger kids (under 9s), this zips along at a nice pace and features fun performances from the cast. Kids will find the robot – based on the remote control toy of the same name, and here nicknamed Cody – funny as he blows raspberries, dances and saves Henry from the school bully, and there are some decent special effects, too. Adults will see the plot twists a mile away and there are clichés aplenty, but for a junior audience this is a likeable adventure, reminiscent of the cute and enjoyable kids’ comedies of the seventies and eighties.
Is Robosapien suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
If you like this, why not try: Wall.E, ET: The Extra Terrestrial, Short Circuit, The Cat From Outer Space, The Iron Giant,