The married stars of classic animal movie Born Free reunited on screen for Ring of Bright Water, based on the Gavin Maxwell book.
Directed by Jack Couffer, who was a cinematographer for Disney animal movies and documentaries like The Legend of Lobo and Secrets of Life as well as the director of Born Free sequel Living Free, it’s the story of a lovable otter named Mij. Graham (Travers) discovers the little furry friend in a London pet shop, and after Mij has created havoc in his city home, Graham decides the only solution is to move them both to the Scottish coast. Cue lots of otter frolicking in the water, while Graham does some frolicking of his own, falling for town doctor Mary (McKenna).
Grown-ups will want to move to Scotland after watching this gorgeous-looking film, all bubbling brooks and icy sea, while kids will no doubt want an otter of their very own. Like Born Free, this is something of a hybrid – part drama, part nature movie – that works really well and benefits from some truly funny moments courtesy of that mischievous otter.
Is Ring Of Bright Water suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
If you like this, why not try: Born Free, Tarka The Otter, March Of The Penguins, The Bear, Milo And Otis,