A French animated tale from the Oscar-nominated team behind A Cat In Paris, this is the beautiful-to-look at story of Leo, an 11-year-old boy who is bedridden due to a very serious illness.
He discovers, however, that he can float free from his body, weaving in and out of the skyscrapers of New York from his hospital bed. His out-of-body excursions also lead him to injured cop Alex, who was investigating a strange-faced mobster (his visage looks like it was designed by Picasso) who has plans to attack the city with a computer virus. Leo offers his help, since he can hover unseen anywhere in the city and spy on the bad guy.
It’s like an old Hollywood film noir has been mixed with a graphic novel against the backdrop of some lovely animated New York landscapes. A fantasy movie that should really appeal to older kids looking for something quirky, fun and just a little bit spooky. And grown-ups should be enthralled by it, too.
Is Phantom Boy suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
There are some tense moments, including a shoot out, that may not be suitable for the under-9s.
Younger children may be upset by the idea that Leo is possibly dying, and can become a phantom.
Very young children may also find the bad guy – The Man With The Broken Face – unsettling.
If you like this, why not try: Coraline, The Adventures Of Tintin:The Secret Of The Unicorn, The Mighty, Frankenweenie, Goosebumps,