Lu Over The Wall

Certificate: PG

Voices of: Kanon Tani, Shota Shimoda, Shin’ichi Shinohara

Release date: 2017

3 out of 5


In a remote fishing town, sulky schoolkid Kai lives with his father and grandfather and only looks forward to making music when he gets home from school. When he joins a band with two of his classmates, their secret practice place on a nearby island brings them into contact with a young mermaid named Lu whom they make friends with, despite locals believing the merfolk are dangerous.

With a plot that gets more complex as Lu becomes more human the more she listens to music, leading to a tragedy that only Kai may be able to avert, this also features a few unnecessary subplots that may test the patience of younger audiences. At nearly two hours long, it does drag in places, but the lead characters of Kai and Lu are interesting, and the animation is colourful and stylish.

Is Lu Over The Wall suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...

This movie is aimed at older children (aged 10+) and there is nothing that will scare or upset them.

Younger children may become upset when Lu is threatened, and when her father ( a shark creature) threatens some of the locals.

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