A German animated movie (released there as The 7th Dwarf), this puts Snow White’s diminutive pals front and centre after witch Dellamorta curses Princess Rose and her kingdom to fall into a deep sleep if she pricks herself. Her true love Jack goes to the woods to hide out with the dwarves but he’s captured, and the kingdom falls into slumber. Can the dwarves rescue Jack, get him to kiss Rose to break the curse, and save the day?
Like Shrek before it, this rather babyishly animated film features lots of other fairy tale characters such as Red Riding Hood, Snow White (wearing thigh high boots, no less), Puss In Boots and pals as the dwarves head out on their smartly-paced adventure. Younger kids will like spotting their favourites but will probably be less enamoured by the truly awful songs (and a tap-dancing dragon) that pepper the tale and singer/actress Nina Hagen’s screechy voicing of Dellamorta that seems louder than anything else in the movie. One for little fairy tale fans only, perhaps.
Is Fairytale: Story Of The Seven Dwarves suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
Very young viewers will find Dellamorta and her dragon scary.
The youngest dwarf, Bobo, is often in danger, which may worry very young viewers. They may also be scared by the ice giant.
Note that this is a PG certificate due to the scary moments and some innuendo.
If you like this, why not try: Shrek, Ella Enchanted, Happily N'Ever After, Hoodwinked, Sleeping Beauty,