A so-so animated adventure from Disney, aimed at the most junior members of the audience. Young Native American Kenai (Phoenix) kills a bear he believes killed his older brother and is punished by the Great Spirits – they turn him into a bear so he can see what life is like for one of nature’s great creatures. He will only be able to change back into a boy if he finds the place where ‘the lights touch the earth’, so with a new-found bear cub friend in tow, he sets off to find it, while Kenai’s other brother – not knowing what has happened to Kenai – is tracking the bears, intent on killing them.
Little viewers will like the cute bears and the lovely animated landscapes, but may be scared during the tense bear hunt at the beginning of the movie. Older viewers will most likely yawn through the well-meaning message and should be warned that Phil Collins provides the soundtrack.
Is Brother Bear suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
If you like this, why not try: The Land Before Time, The Jungle Book, The Little Polar Bear, Happy Feet, Tarzan,