After the success of the live-action 101 Dalmatians, and especially Glenn Close’s memorable performances as villainess Cruella De Vil, it wasn’t a surprise when she and the adorable puppies returned for a sequel four years later. After being released from prison, it seems Cruella is a changed woman, but it’s not long before she’s after the puppies belonging to her parole officer Chloe (Evans) and animal shelter owner Kevin (Gruffud).
From then on, it’s pretty much a reworking of the first film, with Depardieu going over the top as fashion designer Monsieur Le Pelt, Blackadder’s Tim McInnerny providing the laughs as Cruella’s servant, and Gruffudd and Evans’s characters falling in love while trying to save the dogs (the couple also found love in real life and are now married – aww). Very predictable stuff, but the dogs are cute.
Is 102 Dalmatians suitable for kids? Here are our parents’ notes...
Small children may be scared by Glenn Close as Cruella De Vil, and possibly by Gerard Depardieu’s hair.
If you like this, why not try: Marmaduke, Andre, One Hundred And One Dalmatians, The Shaggy Dog, Cats & Dogs,